Between 03 and 13 November 2023, the UniFEST mini-football championship was held in Bucharest, organized by the Romanian Students’ Union (USR), a sports competition in which many teams representing 10 university centers took part.
Participating in this competition, the team representation the Military Technical Academy „Ferdinand I” finished 1st in the general ranking, defeating the team of the Construction University of Bucharest in the final match with a score of 4-1.
The champion team included: Băndoiu Robert, Neamțu Lucian, Iordache Ionut, Anghel Georgian, Toma Iulian, Reuț Iustin, Țurcanu Rareș, Cioc Alexandru, Ciurariu Eduard, Stancu Cosmin, Vlad Claudiu, Bălăjel Tudor, Crihană Dragoș and Ene Eduard.
The students Neamțu Lucian and Iordache Ionuț were awarded after the final, being designated the top scorers of the competition, each scoring 10 goals.
Congratulations to all participant!

Text and photo col. prof. dr. Băițan George-Florin