The Commandant (rector) of the Military Technical Academy”Ferdinand I”,Prof.Dr. Eng. Constantin-Iulian VIZITIU and the vice-rector for inter-university relations, Cmdr. Prof.Dr. Eng. Cristian-Emil MOLDOVEANU participated in the European Union Military Academies Commandants’ Seminar (EUMACS 2023).
The seminar was organized by the Air Force and Space Academy in San Javier (Murcia), Spain, under the auspices of the Military Erasmus initiative and the European Security and Defense College in Brussels, and took place between 8 and 11 November 2023. This year’s edition was attended by rectors (commandants) of more than 40 military academies, from 22 countries of the European Union, who addressed topics related to the training of future officers for the new frontiers – space and cyberspace, the influence of the war in Ukraine and the lessons learned from this conflict, such as and the need to adapt armies to current challenges.
The activity highlighted the importance of Erasmus+ and military Erasmus mobility for improving the quality of military education, for the development of the internationalization of education and scientific research.