The training of engineers for the army needs in Romania is an older concern which dates back to the years 1924-1925. Documents from the years 1930-1932 acknowledge such preoccupations regarding the foundation of a technical structure in the military, imperiously necessary for ensuring its combat capability.
Taking into account the conceptual changes underwent by the army’s endowment with modern military technology, but also the ever increasing possibilities of the country’s industry and economy at the 15th of September 1949, by Decree no. 371 of the 14th of September 1949, there was founded the Military Technical Academy, a higher education polytechnic and military institution, whose purpose was “to train engineer officers with an adequate technical preparation for the specific services, necessary to staff commands, units, formations, and specialized military institutions”.
The initial structure comprised the command, the five faculties (Armament and Ammunition, Tanks and Moto-mechanized Vehicles, Aviation, Communications, Navy), the educational and scientific research offices and departments, the Logistics and Combat Readiness Sections etc. The structure was modified along the years, taking into account the objective factors and the political-military context.
In 1952, by Order of the General Staff, the institutional denomination was changed to the Technical Military Academy.
In August 1953, following their sitting through the state examination, the first class of engineers of the Romanian army graduated from the Academy. The 69 graduates received the title of army engineer specializing in the mechanical and electrical field profiles.
Through Resolution no. 660 of the 6th of March 1953, the Military Technical Academy was habilitated to conduct doctoral studies.
On the 16th of October 1953, based on Decree no. 439, the Military Technical Academy was entrusted with The Battle Flag.
In the academic year 1956/1957, the Military Technical Academy was reorganized into four faculties: Armament; Mechanics; Communications; Military Engineering and Geodesy.
The length of studies in the Military Technical Academy was initially for four years, from 1953 it was five years, and since 1957 it was five years and a half. Upon graduation, after sitting through the state examination, the graduates received an army engineer diploma, which conferred upon the title holders the same rights to practice as those of the engineering graduates of the civilian polytechnic education system.
In the academy, there have been active great personalities of the educational and scientific research fields in our country, who, through their efforts, brought a contribution to the growth and consolidation of the prestige of this Romanian military educational site.
Between 1959 and 1990, the military technical higher education was marked by the events that occurred on a global and national level, by the conceptual change that laid the basis for the army organization and endowment, as well as by the extremely rapid evolution in the emergence of new technology regarding the means of combat, and it was carried out in: Technical Faculty of Weapons; Tanks and Auto Faculty; Electronics Faculty; Constructions Faculty (being called „Sections” at certain times), included in the General Military Academy which, as of 1968, was called the Military Academy.
From 1970 to 1980, in the newly-built spaces of the Base for Practical Training and Prototypes and at the Clinceni location there was set up a series of performant laboratories equipped with modern appliances that allowed for applied activities with the students as well as for scientific research activity to be carried out.
From 1972 to 1996, besides the formation of army engineers, the academy also prepared technical officers, following the introduction into the army endowment of combat means of higher performance, which required an improved qualification of the military technical body.
The 1989 Revolution allowed for a true resurgence of education and scientific research. The new status of the Military Technical Academy – a autonomous higher education polytechnic military institution – was re-established through the Romanian Government Resolution no. 550/1990, 612/1992 and 264/2007.
In the year 1990, the Military Technical Academy was organized into four faculties: Armament, Missiles and Ammunition; Aviation and Armored Vehicles; Electronics and Informatics; Military Engineering, Geodesy and Constructions.
Since 1991, the Military Technical Academy has participated in the TEMPUS program, this being the first significant activity regarding the connections between our institution, as a whole, and higher education institutions and companies from abroad.
On the 26th of April 1991, there was published the first issue of the Military Technical Academy Review, whose publication facilitated the dissemination of results of scientific research carried out by the institutional staff.
On the 25th of March 1994, there were adopted by the University Senate the emblem and the coat of arms of the Military Technical Academy.
Based on Decree no. 75 of the 4th of May 1995, the Military Technical Academy was awarded the new Battle Flag as an autonomous unit of the Ministry of National Defense.
In 1996, there was elaborated the first University Charter of the Military Technical Academy as a requirement of the Law of Education no. 84 of 1995, this being the institutional document which stipulates all the goals, objectives, principles, rights and obligations, as well as the norms that regulate the life of the academic community within its own campus.
As of January 1st 1998, the Military Technical Academy was organized into three faculties: Armament, Missiles, Munitions and Military Engineering; Armored Vehicles and Aviation; Radiolocation, Communications and Equipment for Automated Troop Control.
Starting with the academic year 1998/1999, the Military Technical Academy endorsed the transferable credits system, similar to that of the national polytechnic system and began organizing postgraduate university studies for a length of one or two years, according to each military specialty.
In 1998, the Military Technical Academy was included in the Polytechnic University Consortium of Romania, due to the acknowledgement of the level and quality of its institutional education.
In 1999, the Military Technical Academy was re-accredited, based on evaluation reports by the specialized committees of the National Council for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation, which noted the extremely satisfactory conditions for the fulfillment of the re-accreditation requirements established by Law no. 88/1993.
Since 1999, the academy takes part in the SOCRATES and LEONARDO Programs, aiming to modernize education and render it compatible with the educational systems from the European Union countries. Thus, teaching staff from the academy took part in conferences, symposia, lectures, international congresses, scientific manifestations organized in Great Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, the USA, Spain, the Moldavian Republic, Greece.
In 2000, there was set up the Military Higher Education Institutional Consortium of Romanian, wherein the Military Technical Academy was a founding member.
Since 2001, there have taken place student mobilities to and from European universities, on the bases of agreements concluded between the Military Technical Academy and these institutions.
Starting from 2002, the University Senate of the Military Technical Academy decided to award the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to significant personalities in the academic field from inside the country and abroad.
In 2003, the Military Technical Academy received the Erasmus Charter on the basis of which there were established cooperative relations with partner universities in the European Union.
Starting with the 1st of June 2004, the Military Technical Academy was organized, in agreement with the requirements for modernizing and restructuring the Romanian Army, into two faculties: Integrated Armament Systems; Electronic and Informatic Military Systems.
In 2005, there started the reformation of the university system according to the principles established by the Bologna Process – academic bachelor’s studies, master’s and doctoral studies. New curricula for all the specialties accredited for the first cycle – bachelor’s degree, started being drafted. The length of bachelor’s studies in the Military Technical Academy has been of four years, starting with the academic year 2005/2006.
In 2006, the University Ethics Commission was instituted and the University Code of Ethics was approved by the University Senate of the Military Technical Academy, which regulates the behavioral norms in the academic community.
On the 17th of November 2006, the Military Technical Academy organized, for the first time, the reunion of graduate class valedictorians, inscribed on the HONORARY PLATE.
In 2006, the University Senate of the Military Technical Academy decided that the Day of the Military Technical Academy be the 17th of May.
Since the academic year 2006/2007, there have been admitted into training in the Military Technical Academy fee-paying students that only attend the classes that allow them to acquire an engineering diploma.
On the 17th of May 2007, there was erected, for the first time onto the mast, the distinctive flag of the Military Technical Academy.
On the 17th of May 2008, there was inaugurated in the Military Technical Academy the Center for Scientific Research and Technological Transfer, having as its main objective the organization, planning and unfolding of scientific research activities.
Through Presidential Decree no. 1063 of the 17th of June 1996, the President of Romania conferred the “Military Virtue Order” by the rank of “Knight” with Peace Insignia, “wishing to repay the merits of the Military Technical Academy in Bucharest, on the occasion of celebrating 60 years since its foundation, for the remarkable results obtained by the institutional staff in their activity of education and research”.
In 2010, Military Technical Academy took part in the strategic project “National study for monitoring the insertion onto the labor market of higher education graduates – Graduates and the Job Market” (POSDRU/60/2.1/S/41750), which allowed for a better knowledge of the real requirements on the job market and for an improvement in the content of the study programs that the institution is offering.
In 2011, the Military Technical Academy was evaluated by the EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATION, according to European criteria, through the Institutional Evaluation Program. Following the ranking of universities and the establishment of a hierarchy of study programs on a national level, the Military Technical Academy was declared “university of education and scientific research” according to the National Law of Education no. 1/2011.
Since the 1st of October 2013, the Military Technical Academy was organized in two faculties and an independent department: the Faculty of Mechatronics and Integrated Weapons Systems; the Faculty of Electronic and Informatic Military Systems and the Department of Foreign Languages, Military Sciences and Management.
Through Presidential Decree no. 352 of 7th of April 2014, on the occasion of celebrating 65 years since its foundation, “as a sign of high appreciation for the remarkable results obtained in the course of time by the unit’s staff in the activity of education and research”, the President of Romania decorated the Battle Flag of the Military Technical Academy with the “Military Virtue” Order by the rank of “Officer” with Peace Insignia.
Between the 7th and the 10th of May 2015, the Students’ Association of the Military Technical Academy attended the Students’ Congress in Romania.
On the 17th of May 2015, a referendum was organized regarding the modality of electing the Rector of the Military Technical Academy, according to the National Education Law no. 1/2011. The University Senate validated the result of the referendum for designating the Rector of the Military Technical Academy based on general elections, by means of universal, direct, secret and equal vote.
On the 18th of May 2015, the Battle Flag of the Military Technical Academy was decorated with the Honorary Badge of the Land Forces and the Honorary Badge of the Air Forces and, for the first time, there was intoned the MARCH of the Military Technical Academy.
On the 28th of July 2015, the University Senate of the Military Technical Academy granted the honorific title of Doctor Honoris Causa to the Ambassador George Cristian Maior, in recognition of his contribution to the development of university education and scientific research.
On the 1st of March 2016, by order of the Minister of National Defense, Colonel Prof. Eng. Constantin-Iulian VIZITIU, PhD was appointed Commandant (Rector) of the Military Technical Academy, following the result of the general elections in the institution and his confirmation as Rector by the Ministry of National Education.
On the 28th of July 2016, following the institutional evaluation, the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) granted the Military Technical Academy the HIGH DEGREE OF TRUST ranking for the period 2016-2021.
On the 16th of June 2017, the Military Technical Academy was visited by a delegation of the NATO Defense College in Rome.
Between the 19th and the 21st of July 2017, the Military Technical Academy, in collaboration with the Automotive Engineers’ Society of Romania and the Romanian Car Registrar, organized the “Summer University for Vehicles Engineering – UNIvIA”.
On the 10th of May 2018, the University Senate of the Military Technical Academy proposed and the Minister of National Defense approved the granting of the honorary title of Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First”, in the context of celebrating the Great Union.
The Governmental Resolution no.153 of the 19th of March 2019 changed the denomination of the Military Technical Academy into Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First”.
On the 29th of June 2018, the commandant of the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First”, colonel Prof. Eng. Constantin-Iulian VIZITIU, PhD was made Knight of the National Order of Merit by the President of the French Republic. The insignia of Knight of the National Order of Merit were granted to him by her Excellency Madam Michele RAMIS – the Ambassadress of the French Republic in Romania.
According to Governmental Resolution no. 687 of the 5th of September 2018, the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” took over the “Moțoc” Hostel from 13A-B Spătaru Preda Street, for the students’ accommodation.
Between the 10th and the 16th of September 2018, the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” was represented by its rector, Col. Prof. Eng. Constantin-Iulian VIZITIU, PhD at the 30th edition of the Conference of the European Association for International Education.
According to Governmental Resolution no. 759 of the 20th of September 2018, the Ministry of National Defense takes over the building on 6D Antiaeriana Highway, with the intention of building a university campus for the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First”.
Since the 1st of October 2018, the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” has been organized into four faculties and an independent department: The Faculty of Integrated Armament Systems, Military Engineering and Mechatronics; The Faculty of Military Aircraft and Auto-vehicles; The Faculty of Informatic Systems and Cybersecurity; The Faculty of Communications and Electronic Systems for Defense and Security, and The Department of Foreign Languages, Military Sciences and Management.
Through Presidential Decree no. 1078 of the 29th of November 2018, colonel Prof. Eng. Constantin-Iulian VIZITIU, PhD, the commandant (rector) of the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” was granted the Brigadier General rank, with one star insignia.
The Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” is accredited through the Romanian Government’s Resolutions, no. 225/1995, 294/1997, 442/1998, 535/1999, 696/2000, 410/2002, 940/2004, 916/2005, 1175/2006, 676/2007, 635/2008, 749/2009, 631/2010, 966/2011, 575/2015, 376/2016, 140/2017, 158/2018 to prepare engineering officers in the specializations required by the Ministry of National Defense, as well as for other beneficiaries around the country (The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Special Communications Service, The Romanian Intelligence Service, The Protection and Guard Service, The External Intelligence Service, The National Administration of the Penitentiaries) and from abroad.
The academy also organizes and offers postgraduate education for the specialization and perfection of the engineering officers and civilian engineers from the Ministry of National Defense, for the national defense system structures, as well as for other beneficiaries from the country and from abroad, PhD studies being included.
The Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” carries out an intense scientific research activity, which sustains and contributes to the assurance of the quality of education. Several of the research products designed by the academy specialists are from the category of national level accomplishments, such as: general purpose analog computer (1960), Romanian anti-submarine missile (1963), anti-hail rocket (1963, 1967, 1976, 1981), friction welding machine (1980), Romanian tank (1985-1992), suspension bridge for the elite mountain troops of the Romanian Land Forces – Vânătorii de Munte (1987), the Romanian reactive projectile with combat design with preformed fragments and proximity fuse (1988), system for decoding flight parameters (1988), 40 mm cal. automatic grenade launcher (1992), N.A.T.O. compatible 40 mm cal. ammunition (1998).
The results of scientific research have been presented and received with great interest at scientific events with prestigious international participation, organized in the country or abroad, as well as within the frame of several international exhibitions. Over fifty original technical designs were patented as inventions and over 200 qualified as innovations.
In recent years, effective and widely developed scientific research has been mainly directed towards the resolution of tasks included in the sectorial and national research and development plans, as well as on a contractual basis with economic agents from the country and from the European Union.
Thus, since 1999, through its teams of specialists, the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” has participated in national competitions organized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Research and Innovation, for the National Plan of Research-Development-Innovation.
At present, in the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First”, there are active the following centers of excellence: Advanced Technologies and Cybernetic Security; Communications and Information Technology; Robotics and Autonomous Systems; Integrated Armament and Military Engineering Systems; Self-Propelled Systems and Technologies for Defense and Security.
The Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” takes part in the current academic life and is represented inside consulting boards on a national level: The National Rectors’ Council; The National Council for Attesting University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates; The Consultative College for Research-Development and Innovation a.s.o.
The teaching staff of the academy has been constantly preoccupied by the improvement and upgrading of the educational process and its technical-material endowment, so that, upon graduation, the knowledge of an engineering officer may correspond to the top-level accomplishments in the field of specialty.
The education system has undergone an intensive process of informatization, the Military Technical Academy being the first institution of the Romanian Army to be connected to the INTERNET, as of 1995, initially through the National Computer Network, and presently through networks of the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of National Defense, its web page being found at .
The technical-material endowment was completed and upgraded so as to correspond to the standards of the Euro-Atlantic structures that we are part of. There were purchased installations, apparatuses, laboratory equipment and performant computers, which are permanently at the disposal of the teaching staff, scientific researchers and the students.
As of 1992, the computerized Publishing House of the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” started to function, which allowed the publication of manuals, lessons, applications, monographs etc., which upgraded the necessary fund of military and specialized literature used in the educational and instruction process. At present, the specialized literature fund of the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” Library contains over 62,000 titles, of which over 1000 works were elaborated by the didactic personnel of the academy.
In the last years, the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” has widened its collaboration with higher education institutions from the country and from abroad. The visiting exchanges with specialists from foreign educational institutions facilitated the mutual acquaintance and the extension of collaborative relations (research stages, co-advisory doctoral studies, masters studies). The ERASMUS+ Program is presently underway.
On a perfectly equal standing, the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” is receiving students from partner universities in the European Union for similar stages.
Up to the present, over 7,000 graduates – army engineers and sub-engineers – have walked out of the gates of the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First”, people who, due to their scientific, technical and managerial skills have been honoring the institutions and positions they have staffed.
The acknowledged quality of the entire educational and scientific research process from the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” evolves by means of a firm and dynamic implementation of the academic legal frame, the interoperability requirements of the military system specific to Romania as a NATO member state and through the development of the international dimension of education.
The Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the First” is obviously evolving towards the European university model, which, besides the preparation and specialization achieved through bachelor’s studies, master’s and doctoral studies programs in the fundamental field of “Engineering Sciences”, is equally making itself known as a scientific research and technological transfer entity.